HONEY (ARE U COMING?) – Måneskin


After their Eurovision win in 2021, Måneskin has shot to stardum. Their hit cover of the Franki Valli and the Four Seasons song “Beggin‘” was one of the top songs on Spotify in 2021, and the cover ruled the social media platform TikTok. The band has an undeniable presence in the music world. Their dedication to rock music—something that’s few and far between these days—has brought them even more notability. The band was (and is) constantly noted as one of the only modern rock bands.

After their Eurovision success, the band released their fourth studio album RUSH! at the beginning of the year. The album seemed to be very derisive. Critics seemed to love the album or staunchly hate it. In the wake of this division, Måneskin’s new single had the chance to unify listeners and critics alike. This was the time to prove that the band deserves their fame and stardom.

Sonically, the new single, “HONEY (ARE U COMING?)” fits into the musical niche that the band has created. Damiano David’s (lead singer) vocals are raspy and loud (and maybe a bit unintelligible). The bass is playful, dirty, and very prominent. The guitar riffs are interesting and catchy. The drums are simple and driving. All together, it sounds like what we’ve come to expect from the band. But that’s just it: it’s nothing new. It seems like the band has a formula to how they create their music, and they’re just plugging and chugging. It doesn’t feel new or innovative. Maybe it’s nice to know you can count on the band to put out exactly what you like (if that’s the sound that you crave), but some deviation would be nice.

One big pitfall that critics seem to agree on is the band’s lyrics. Måneskin play the part of the innovative, progressive band that is also a bit vulgar. Band members kiss on stage. Vic De Angelis (bass) is often found on stage without a shirt. The band posts nude photos regularly. It’s clear the image they want to portray, but their lyrics fall just short of this. Don’t get me wrong. Are the lyrics sexual? Yes. Are they progressive? Maybe? Are they uncomfortable and cringey? Without a doubt.

Now, it’s important to note that this is an Italian rock band we’re talking about. The band’s native language is not English, and honestly, they’re not even fluent the language. That is not a knock on them, as the shift from Italian to English lyrics was likely forced on them in order to bring in the largest audience possible. However, it does come with the unfortunate consequence of things just not quite translating. The band just doesn’t understand what works and what doesn’t. They try to be “hip” while using outdated slang or phrases that aren’t quite right.

HONEY (ARE U COMING?)” seamlessly fits into Måneskin’s discography, but I can’t help but want something a bit new. The band has achieved their success, and they know what works, but I crave a bit of creative exploration. Maybe they should make the switch back to primarily Italian music because that feels significantly more authentic to the band. Is the new single bad? No. It’s enjoyable as a simple Måneskin rock song, but it feels a bit lackluster. Hopefully the band can leave behind their formulaic songs and spread their wings a bit as they solidify themselves in the music world.

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